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6 of the Most Important Things Healthy People Do Every Day

Healthy People

When it comes to staying healthy, the little things make a big difference. These 6 habits are simple enough to incorporate into your daily routine and can help you get on the path toward a happier, healthier 2023.

Getting a good night’s sleep, exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet are just some of the ways that you can work towards a healthier lifestyle.

1. They Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Getting enough sleep is one of the most important things healthy people do every day. It’s not only known to improve health and mood, but it can also strengthen key systems that fight disease, support fitness, and look after the body’s appearance.

The amount of sleep a person needs varies by age, but generally adults need about seven to eight hours each night. A lack of sleep can lead to poor focus, reduced cognition, and mood swings.

To get a good night’s sleep, experts recommend sticking to a consistent schedule and avoiding screen time right before bed. It’s also helpful to avoid large meals, alcohol, and caffeine before sleeping. Having a relaxing bedtime routine can also help, like reading a book or taking a warm bath.

2. They Get Outside

In addition to getting a good night’s sleep, getting outside is another essential part of healthy living. Whether it’s a walk around the block, playing a pick-up game in the park or simply enjoying some fresh air, getting outdoors helps boost the immune system and promotes a sense of calm.

The fresh air and sunshine also help to elevate vitamin D levels, which protects against osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer and depression. And a stroll through nature has been shown to calm the mind and increase focus.

With many people under social distancing and forced to stay indoors during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to make time for outdoor activities that are safe for everyone – including kids. This can include activities like hiking, biking and running in parks that have been deemed safe.

3. They Plan Their Meals

Whether that’s choosing recipes from cookbooks, online recipe sites or a meal planning service, healthy people take the time to make meal plans. This helps them to stay on track with their nutrition goals and save money by shopping with a list and using up ingredients before they go bad.

These kinds of meals are easy to grab and eat on days when you’re rushed, tired or hungry, and they help to ensure that your diet is filled with the healthy foods you need. Healthy people are also generally relaxed about food, and they don’t beat themselves up when they don’t stick to their plan.

Success at work and home is important, but all work and no play can leave you burnt out. Taking some time each day for hobbies you enjoy can help to keep you happy and healthy.

4. They Stay Organized

When you’re organized, it makes it easier to keep track of things like important dates and your to-do list. Plus, having a clean space and getting rid of clutter reduces stress and can even improve your mental health.

Having an organized kitchen can also help you make healthier choices when it comes to food. When you’re prepared with meals and snacks that you’ve prepped yourself, you’ll be less likely to turn to fast food for convenience or overindulge on sugary treats.

Clutter can also affect your physical health. A messy home can lead to anxiety, fatigue and even depression. So, take the time to declutter and get organized. It’ll be worth it in the long run! It’s just one of the many small changes that healthy people do every day.

5. They Practice Gratitude

Practicing gratitude can help people learn to notice and appreciate what they have instead of what they lack, explains Moskowitz. This mental shift can reduce stress, improve sleep quality and lower heart disease risk and low self-esteem.

It’s important to go deeper than a list of many things for which you are grateful, she adds. Think about how you’ve been positively impacted by someone, for example, or how an event could have gone much worse. “It’s a practice that takes time and commitment,” she says.

Some research links gratitude with healthier behaviors, such as exercise and diet. For instance, high school students who write weekly gratitude letters for 10 weeks eat more healthily than those who don’t. Gratitude can also help people focus. It helps people view tasks in front of them, like schoolwork or job duties, as opportunities rather than challenges.

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